Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Euro 2008

Yes yes, it's that time of year again, soccer time!!! All of Europe is in soccer-fever-mode- everyone is talking about that game or that team, that score or that lack-of-score. Restaurants and bars have brought out TV's so that clients (and anyone who passes by!) can watch the Euro 2008 while enjoying their meal. Cars have been decked out with flags, mostly German ones, but some cars have both a German and another flag, representing the fact that that person is either of another nationality or simply enjoys that other country's soccer team (I dunno?!?!?!).
The ambiance here has been fantastic, especially when Germany plays. I hear the German team has a good chance of winning the Euro 2008, but then again I heard that from a German, so I don't know how accurate that info is!!!!
For all of you who would like more info about the Euro 2008, please check out this link:
And here are a few pictures to put you in the soccer mood!

1 comment:

rfm said...

That last one is beautiful.