Monday, March 10, 2008

A Pearl-fect pairing!

My tandem partner, a few weeks ago, came over for our weekly meeting. She was in charge of desert. After a nice meal, many corrections and a few frustrations (German is Not an easy language!), I was ready for desert. I was looking forward to something decadent and chocolaty- a multi-layered chocolate cake of some kind, preferably with a croquant at the bottom, like the one from La Patisserie De Gascogne, would have made my night! So you can imagine my disappointment, when instead of pulling out a cake out of her bag, my tandem partner pulled out a jar of yogurt! I mean, I love yogurt, don't get me wrong, but that's not what I had in mind at the time. But this was no ordinary yogurt- this was the Pearl-fect yogurt for a Pearl like me! Why you ask? For two reasons: poppy seed and marzipan!!!! Yeah, you read this right- this was no ordinary vanilla yogurt, or the typical fruit kind; no, this was a marzipan/poppy seed yogurt! It was clear to me right away that this was going to be delicious and the first spoonful proved it! Who knew poppy seeds and marzipan could combine in such a fantastic way?! The German knew, that's who! This yogurt is now always included on my shopping list- I simply can't get enough of it! And one more thing: it comes in a glass jar, like in the old days!
Worth it!

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