Saturday, March 8, 2008

A perfect start to the day!

There's nothing better, after a good night's sleep, a lazy wake-up and some cozy cuddling, than to sit down to a delicious, sturdy and inviting breakfast!
Welcome to my breakfast on Saturday and Sunday mornings (and by morning I mean no earlier than 11:30!!): a cornucopia of fruits, cheeses, pastries and of courses the required, and typical, egg! All of this is accompanied by freshly baked rolls of all kinds: poppy seed, multi-grain, plain white, etc. This is an almost typical German breakfast- almost, because there is one thing missing to make it truly typical. If you guessed that meat was missing, you are right! Since my breakfast companion is vegetarian, there are no cold cuts, sausages or any other animal parts on our breakfast plates, but I don’t miss it.

What is the best part of such a wonderful breakfast you ask? That’s easy: the best part is sharing it with the person you love!

Bon appétit!

1 comment:

Nathalie said...

Yum - looks (and sounds) delicious! Glad you're doing well! xoxo