Friday, October 26, 2007

A small, and healthy, obsession!

Some people, when they visit a new city, fall in love with a street, or a building, or a store, or a museum. Not me! Instead, I fell in love with a television tower!!!
One of Berlin's most well known landmarks is the Fernsehturm. It is situated in the middle of the city, and you can see it from almost everywhere, which is a great help when you are trying to find your way back to the centre of the city. If you walk towards the Fernsehturm, you will end up at Alexanderplatz, a central location in Berlin.
I remember thinking, two years ago, when I was here for the first time, how much I liked this television tower. My love (read here obsession!) with it has not diminished over the years, and upon my arrival here two months ago now (Can you believe it?! Time really does go by quickly when you are having fun!), I was very happy to see my television tower again.
My obsession with this tower means that I take pictures of it almost every time I see it, which drives some people crazy! It's like taking pictures of the CN Tower in Toronto- one is fine, two is ok, but more than that is just stupid! My obsession has even led me to ponder the question of whether or not I should get a (small) tattoo of the tower on my ankle. When I have discussed this option with my German friends here, the overwhelming response that I got was "NO!". I guess I can understand their hesitation- if someone told me they wanted to get a tattoo of the Olympic Stadium on their shoulder, I would scream out "Are you completely nuts?!". So I will have to further ponder the question and in the mean time, take more pictures!

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