Saturday, December 15, 2007

No need for presents this year!

Christmas at my house is quite the event. First, it is my lovely dad's birthday on the 24th of December, and even through the hustle and bustle of the preparations required for the réveillon that night, we always take the time for a little quatre heure to celebrate my dad's birthday, which usually consists of a delicious tisane, some decadent bûches de Noël from la Patisserie de Nancy and of course a few birthday gifts!
Christmas is special for us because we eat things that we only eat once a year, including my dad's famous cigars, and we indulge in typical French delicacies, such as foie gras and oysters.
Of course, there is also an orgy of presents, which we open throughout the meal, when everyone starts shouting "Un cadeau, un cadeau, un cadeau!". I love Christmas at home, because I feel like a child again, all excited about the gifts to come, the company to be had and the great food to be eaten. I love Christmas at home because my sister LOVES Christmas so much, and it is so nice to see her so happy and excited. I love Christmas at home because I love being with my family and sharing that time of year with them.
But this year, for the second time in 4 years, I will not be home for Christmas. I decided early on that I would stay here for Christmas, and in the heat of August, my decision did not seem like a hard one to make. But now that the C-day is approaching, that the streets are decorated, that the spirit of sharing and family is in the air, I feel a bit (read: a lot!) sad that I will not be home for Christmas.
However, I will certainly not be alone here during this time. I have decided that this is the perfect time for me to share with you a most happy news- your Pearl has found herself an oyster!!! This most unexpected, but greatly awaited, meeting took place only two weeks after my arrival here in Berlin- talk about something that was meant to happen! The lucky oyster's name is Ronny, and we have now been together for almost 4 (wonderful) months. He has made me the happiest girl in the world, and all my wishes have come true with his arrival in my life.
Christmas this year will thus be spent with my perfect oyster and his lovely family- something I am very much looking forward to.
Santa doesn't need to worry about finding the perfect gift for me this year- I already have all that I want and need!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a most Happy New Year! May 2008 bring you health, love, friendship, success, happiness, discoveries and perhaps also a trip to Germany!
Thank you all for the lovely comments that have waited for me on this blog. It means a lot to me to know that so many of you read me and are following me throughout this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

I love and miss all of you very much!


Anonymous said...

WOW! Quel beau temps des Fêtes tu vas passer!!! Je te souhaite aussi tout le bonheur que tu mérites en ce beau temps de l'année!
Tu ne pouvais vraiment pas trouver mieux pour améliorer ton allemand!! Tu pourras vraiment t'imprégner de la culture allemande et surtout tu pourras délecter ta nouvelle belle-famille avec des chants de Noël en allemand bien sûr... Il est grand temps de mettre en pratique ce que Sigrid nous a si bien montré! Mets ta belle voix à profit et tu les épatera j'en suis sûre!!! :)

En espérant que tu ne t'ennuies pas trop de la neige parce qu'ici elle abonde!! Quel beau Noël ce sera!!

Bon temps des fêtes ma belle!

P.S. J'ai reçu ta carte postale et elle trône fièrement sur notre mur de cartes postales d'un peu partout dans le monde! ;)

Frohe Weihnachten!

Annie Trépanier

margaret said...

How lovely! I have been suspecting as much for a while because of your radiant face in the pictures you post. I am really happy for you. Have a wonderful Christmas with Ronny's family!

Anonymous said...

Allo Pearl
Je te lis toujours avec passion, en retard la plupart du temps mais j'adore tout de tes récits. Je suis contente de ton bonheur, amuse toi bien et profites-en à plein. Ici tout roule à la cinquième vitesse, Noël, la course aux cadeaux, les festivités à préparer, la neige +++ à pelleter, les études à surveiller mais.... c'est l'fun !

Ciao et passes je joyeuses fêtes,
Didi Martini

mvb said...

Good job Pearl. Kevin and I both strongly enjoyed your puns. Glad you are finally coming out of the "closet."

Miss you very much.
