Thursday, February 7, 2008

The view from the top of the obsession tower!

I was looking through the many pictures I have taken since my arrival here in Berlin and came across pictures I took in the fall, from the top of the Fernsehturm- you all remember the Fernsehturm, don't you?!?! That's Berlin's television tower, the tower that I am slightly obsessed with!
The pictures themselves are only moderately good, as they were taken through a thick sheet of glass, but they give you a good idea of what the city looks like and I thought some of you might enjoy seeing them (also, I had nothing else to write about, but still wanted to post something!).
By the way, if any of you have questions about my life/life in general here in Berlin, or want me to talk about something in particular, please don't hesitate to let me know. I will be happy to answer most of your questions!!!

Behind that big black square building is the Reichstag building

The Berliner Dom

The Neptunbrunnen fountain


Anonymous said...

Hallo Ms. Pearl. I haven't seen you since the Cologne hauptbahnhof in September, but I stumbled onto your blog while trawling for language assistants to add to my blogroll (am caving to pressure from friends & starting a public blog...). Do you fancy getting together for coffee some time?

I love that you, too, are obsessed with the Fernsehturm. :)

Pearl said...

Hello Meredith!

Nice to hear from you- thanks for writing!
Coffee sounds like a great idea! I still have your handy number, so if it hasn't changed, I will give you a call and we can set up a time to meet! Looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

Hey Caro! My handy # is 0163-970-1699. My brother's visiting this week, so I'll be pretty busy, but I'm pretty free from Sunday on. See you soon!